Summarising paraphrasing examples pdf

The choice between summarizing and paraphrasing depends on how much detail from the source you need for your paper. Oct 02, 2019 pdf paraphrasing and summarising curtin universityparaphrasing is rewriting another persons words so that the original meaning of their following exercises will allow you to practice that skill. Unlike paraphrasing, the basic order of the original text is maintained. Quoting passages allows you to share the specific words and phrases of another author, while paraphrasing and summarizing allow you to show your understanding and interpretation of a text. Used correctly, summarizing and paraphrasing can save time, increase understanding, and give authority and credibility to your work. Nuclear power plants are one of the highest producing energy sources.

Good and poor summarizing an article example paraphrase example. What does it mean when you are asked to paraphrase, summarise or quote text. Jul 21, 2009 paraphrasing and summarising are more active ways of communicating to the client that they have been listened to. The boundaries of the park are the gilt frame around a masterpiece, and within the frame we are urged to take only. These three ways of incorporating other writers work into your own writing differ according to the closeness of your writing to the source writing. Put the focus of the paraphrase on the other person, for example, if the person said, i. The words paraphrasing and summarising are sometimes used interchangeably, but usually they. Paraphrasing is helpful for understanding extremely difficult or complicated passages that must be worked out word by word. Summarising is a way of presenting an overview of a piece of writing. Paraphrasing and summarising curtin learning centre. There are more strategies and examples of how to summarise and paraphrase on the turnitin practice site. Contact us now and get errorfree documents from the real pros. Paraphrasing and summarizing academic skills trent university. The diagram below shows how encouragers, paraphrases and summaries are on different points of a continuum, each building on more of the information provided.

Paraphrasing is not producing a direct copy of another persons ideas. The paraphrase vs summary conundrum is one that has cost students many points and damaged a lot of grades, and our company is here to assist we could make it for you. It is very important, however, to paraphrase and summarise correctly because there is a fine balance between paraphrasing and summarising which is considered acceptable and that which is unacceptable and could be considered plagiarism. As you may have noticed in the examples above, quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing are often used simultaneously. Paraphrasing is also useful when dealing with material for which exact, detailed comprehension is required. How to summarise a text summarising material ks3 english. Paraphrasing and summarizing communication skills from. However, there are other considerations which will affect the way you present this information. When summarizing is useful summarizing is useful in many types of writing and at different points in the writing process. To give due credit for information that you paraphrase, cite the authors last name and the year of the study smith, 1982. Paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting definitions paraphrase to capture the precise meaning of a text in your own words summarize to put the main ideas of a text in your own words quote to copy the exact words from another text goals of each to understand what you are reading so that you can respond to, build on, and challenge it.

Most medical people despised the press, holding attitudes not totally unfamiliar today. Students often confuse summarizing and paraphrasing literature. If you paraphrase well, you will not only demonstrate that you have understood the original content to your lecturer or professor, you will also be demonstrating that you know how it relates to. Summarising is particularly useful to help clients organise their thinking. A summary is a description of the main ideas of a text, so it is shorter than the original text.

A bad summary merely describes what the content is but leaves out context. It is very important, however, to paraphrase and summarise correctly because there is a fine balance. When a student summarizes a text, the student condenses many lines of material into a single sentence or so while keeping the content clear. They are both techniques of incorporating other writers works or ideas into your writing using your own words. If you want to summarize the information you have learned after reading a book or an article, writing a summary is one of the.

Differences in quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing quotation paraphrase summary difference difference difference matches the source word for word. In any assignment you will most likely use a mix of these techniques to convey what you have read. Use the following template to summarise a paragraph. Paraphrasing and summarising when you paraphrase you need to think about another persons words and how and why they relate to your thesis statement. Encouragers, paraphrasing and summarising counselling. Week 3 wednesday worksheet 2 summarising and paraphrasing.

If youre not sure if you re required to summarise or paraphrase, check with your tutor. The main idea is given, but details, examples and formalities are left out. For more information on paraphrasing, visit the owls resource, quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Summarizing helps improve both your reading and writing skills. Example of summary paraphrasing, quoting and summarising. Paraphrasing can serve as a form of notetaking, allowing you to retain the writers exact meaning in the terms that you can remember best. When summarizing, avoid cutting too much important information. This section will help you to get on top of paraphrasing by examining what, why and how to paraphrase. We paraphrasing and summarising university of new england. For example, you might summarize an entire movies plot or a books major theme. It presents key ideas and information from a source concisely in your own writing without.

Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing this handout is intended to help you become more comfortable with the uses of and distinctions among quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. If youre not sure if you are required to summarise or paraphrase, check with your tutor. Summarizing a paragraph a summary is a short retelling of a longer written passage, containing the authors most important ideas. Summarising and paraphrasing are used much more than quoting because they show your marker that you understand the material. You may choose to paraphrase details or particular evidence andor examples. Jun 04, 2014 this feature is not available right now. Summarizing, paraphrasing, and synthesizing sources. A summary is a concise overview of the most important points from a communication. Summarising is a very important skill for effective communication and is usually followed by paraphrasing.

Week 3 wednesday worksheet 2 summarising and paraphrasing 1. Reporters tended to be suckers for every quack, halfquack, overeager scientist, or naive country doctor who thought he had a serum to cure tuberculosis, a herbal remedy for cancer, or a new surgical procedure to rejuvenate the aged. When summarising, the counsellor is reflecting back, the main points of the session so that the client has opportunity to recap. Integrating information and ideas from sources into your writing is a complex task, involving several skills. When reading reference sources for information for a research paper, paraphrasing is a means of recording information from each source in note form for later use in writing your paper. The words paraphrasing and summarising are sometimes used interchangeably, but usually they are used to mean two different techniques. However, some words have been changed to close synonyms. Exact same length as the source, unless you follow the rules for adding or deleting material from a quote. Feb 07, 2020 paraphrasing, quoting and summarising. Summaries leave out detail or examples that may distract the reader from the most important information, and they simplify complex arguments, grammar and vocabulary. A summary provides the main ideas from the original text, but leaves out the details or examples given by the author. So far we have discussed three methods of presenting or referring to the work of others in your assignments. It will help you so that you will not have such a hard time in summarizing. Use when q p s specific words are crucial to your point making a very specific point, especially about an individualtheir views analysingchallenging a view expressed in a quote.

Do not forget to use an intext reference at the start or end of your paraphrase. There are three ways of integrating the ideas, words, research findings andor materials of others in your writing. Quotations must be identical to the original, using a narrow segment of the source. Quoting, paraphrasing and summarising are all different ways of including the works of others in your assignments. You can always find paraphrase summary assistance right here, all you need is to fill out the order form. As with paraphrasing, take great care to ensure you do not duplicate wording from the original author and always reference the original work. Restate someone elses ideas in a respectable, cited manner clarify that a passage or phrase is not your own. Pdf paraphrasingwhen paraphrasing, a writer should restate the authors words or ideas in. Then you must briefly write down those ideas in a few. A summary helps you understand the key ideas and content in an article, part of a book, or a cluster of paragraphs. Paraphrasing and summarising online learning resources. Paraphrasing, summarising and quoting unsw current students. Paraphrasing and summarising allow you to develop and demonstrate your understanding and interpretation of the major ideasconcepts of your discipline, and to avoid plagiarism. Paraphrasing and summarising the learning centre online.

Paraphrasing and summarizing practice exercise academic. Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing are all different ways of including the ideas of others into your assignments. To summarize, you must read a passage closely, finding the main ideas and supporting ideas. Paraphrasing means rewriting something in your own words, giving the same level of detail as the source and at roughly the same length as the original. Express ideas in a quicker, more straightforward way avoid unnecessary details condense large ideas into compact, easily understood chunks that can add to your writing quotations. Paraphrasing and summarizing are both indispensable writing tools. Summarising summarising is a counselling skill used to condense, or crystallise, the main points of what the client is saying and feeling. Direct quotes are seldom used in scientific writing. It may be helpful to use the process outlined in the following template. Using summaries is different to using paraphrasing as a summery usually cover. Paraphrasing, and synthesizing sources summarize your source summarizing information helps condense it for use in your own paper. Quotations, paraphrasing or summarising in a written assignment can be used for particular purposes.

This handout compares and contrasts the three terms, gives some pointers, and includes a short excerpt that you can use to practice these skills. Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing purdue writing lab. Differences between summarizing and paraphrasing the terms paraphrasing and summarizing often confuse students of english. Jul 22, 2015 if you are looking for summarizing an article example, this page will present samples that will guide you in writing. A paraphrase is rewriting a piece of text in your own words, while r etaining the meaning. Paraphrasing and summarising writing information in your own words is a highly acceptable way to include the ideas of other people in your writing. How to summarise a text before you can begin to analyse the language or techniques being used by a writer, the effects these create and the methods used, it is important to be able to find the key. What are the differences among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Summarising the words paraphrasing and summarising are sometimes used interchangeably, but usually they are used to mean two different techniques.

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